Diatoms Update September 13th, 2023

Hello, Friend!

Ahhhhhh! In just 13 short days, Diatoms will be launching on Kickstarter! The anticipation for me is off the charts. I can’t wait to truly bring this game to life with your support!
This week one of our fav board game YouTube channels, Brains on Games, released a sneak peek of Diatoms and we were thrilled to be recently be recognized as a Kickstarter “Project We Love.” To add to the launch buzz, we’re approaching an important milestone in our pre-launch page- 400 followers! That’s a lot of you and sooo close to the number of pledges we need to hit our funding goal!
Thumbnail of the Brains on Games' Diatoms video
Photo of Diatoms with "Kickstarter Project We Love" badge overlayed
Laptop line art with Diatoms on screen and Screentop.gg logo underneath
We’ll be doing something unique with our Kickstarter- after you back, within 48 hours, we’ll send you a link to a special backer-edition of the digital version of Diatoms on Screentop.gg. We’ll be updating this version with the final production art and prototype solo puzzles to try throughout the campaign. If you haven’t used Screentop before, it’s a very accessible way to play board games online. It runs in browsers and you don’t have to log in or buy anything to join an active game.
There will also be a free public demo version of Diatoms hosted on the Screentop.gg home page that we’ll be releasing prior to the Kickstarter. This version will only be available during the campaign and won’t be getting the art and solo updates, but you can use it to check out the game before backing. Of course, the physical game has a special charm all its own with the dual-layer player boards and shiny diatom tiles!
Animated gif of placing shiny diatom star tile
That's all for now! We'll be reaching out again a few days before the Kickstarter goes live. Thank you for following along with our first crowdfund. I really appreciate your support!
Photo of Sabrina with Signature "Sabrina, Counter of Days, Ludoliminal"
Over the next several months, we're running playtests for an in-development digital game from one of our partners that is designed to encourage and support mathematical thinking and identity in young children.
Digital App Playtest for kids agest 3-6 and their guardian
If your family has kids in the 3-6 age range, we invite you to sign up to playtest with us. Playtesting may involve trying the app out on your own at home and/or signing up to bring your kids to an in-person playtest so we can observe how they use the game. This playtest for families in the Pittsburgh, PA area only. Families that complete the entire playtest will receive a small monetary gift card and, if you like, a complimentary subscription to the game you playtested (for Apple store). Use the signup link to join the list for this special ongoing playtest. The next playtest round for this game will be sometime in October

Thanks for subscribing and reading, Friend!
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