Ludoliminal Update September 24th, 2023

Hello, Friend!

In TWO days, Diatoms- the most beautiful, thinky board game about algae art you'll ever play- will go live on Kickstarter!

Be part of the magical moment - I'll be live on Instagram at 10:55am EDT on Tuesday, filming the button pushing! There will be a fancy hat, a mysterious present, a microscope, and, yes, a button push. Join in on Tuesday at

I also spent some time last week talking about Diatoms with Christopher High from the Board Again Games podcast. You can hear that interview here or watch it here.

P.S. - We're still looking for more families in the Pittsburgh, PA, USA area with kids in the 3-6 yo range to be part of ongoing playtests this fall for a digital game that supports math skills. Take a peek below if you're interested!
Over the next several months, we're running playtests for an in-development digital game from one of our partners that is designed to encourage and support mathematical thinking and identity in young children.
Digital App Playtest for kids agest 3-6 and their guardian
If your family has kids in the 3-6 age range, we invite you to sign up to playtest with us. Playtesting may involve trying the app out on your own at home and/or signing up to bring your kids to an in-person playtest so we can observe how they use the game. This playtest for families in the Pittsburgh, PA area only. Families that complete the entire playtest will receive a small monetary gift card and, if you like, a complimentary subscription to the game you playtested (for Apple store). Use the signup link to join the list for this special ongoing playtest. The next playtest round for this game will be sometime in October

Thanks for subscribing and reading, Friend!
What did you think of this update?