October 23rd, 2023

Hey there, Friend!

It's hard to believe but the Diatoms Kickstarter is ending in just a few days! We have over 1000 people who've ordered 1 (or sometimes 2,3, or 4!) copies of Diatoms the game. We've doubled our initial goal and we have backers in over a dozen countries!🌐

All the previews of the game have been consistent: Diatoms is a beautiful, thinky game with an incredible theme! 🎨✨🧠🦠🔬

We can't wait to deliver this award-winning game. Thank you for following along with this journey and please don't miss out on a chance get to get your own copy of Diatoms! The Kickstarter ends this Thursday. We just unlocked a special Kickstarter Backer exclusive when we crossed the $50k mark: a mini-pack of additional cards for the game, just for folks who order the game via the Kickstarter!

Meet the Algae of Diatoms!

In case you missed it, we've been doing a special series on social media celebrating the real world algae counterparts for the diatom tiles in the game. Check out our instagram and meet all the algae! You'll also find highlight reels from previews of the game done by a variety of board game creators!

Gif from the tiktok video of the Diatoms Backer Mosaics art project

Mosaic Art Project Reveal

I've also been working on a "little" art project during the Diatoms Kickstarter- two giant mosaics of prototype Diatoms tiles representing each of our 1000+ backers for the game! I'm a little over halfway done and they are looking gorgeous!

Attention Families with Kids Ages 3-6!

We're currently hosting playtests for a game that is designed to encourage and support mathematical thinking and identity in young children. If your family has kids in the 3-6 age range, we invite you to sign up to playtest with us. We are doing In-Person playtesting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and also have added an option for At-Home playtesting, where you play on your own and then do a short interview call with us.

Families that participate will receive a small monetary gift card and, if you like, a complimentary subscription to the game you playtested (for Apple store). Use the signup link to apply for this special ongoing playtest and we'll reach out to get you scheduled. Oh, and feel free to forward this invitation to any families you know that might be interested.

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a selection of images from the ludoliminal instagram account
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