A banner with the text "Ludoliminal Family Playtest, Ongoing - Fall-Winter 2023-2024"

Seeking Families to playtest iOS math game

We’re looking for families with a child in the 3-year-old to 6-year-old range to participate in an ongoing playtest for a digital game to support math skills and identity in young children. This playtest may involve families trying out the app at home on their own devices (remote playtest) or coming to a location in the Pittsburgh area to playtest in person. (in-person playtest)

For Remote Playtest, you will need an iOS device. We will schedule a 30-minute phone interview with you and send you an account key so you can try out the app before our interview.

For the In-Person Playtest, you’ll join us at a local Pittsburgh Library where you and your child will try out the app and give your feedback.

Your playtest will help us make this game experience better for other kids and their families! We appreciate your time. Families that complete the entire playtest will receive a small monetary gift card and, if you like, a complimentary subscription to the game you playtested (for Apple store).

Complete the form below to apply to join this playtest. We’ll be running playtests for this game all through Fall and Winter of 2023. If you are selected to playtest, we will contact you via email with more detail. We may not be able to accommodate all families that apply.

Can't make this playtest? Sign up to find out about future playtests. We make and playtest board games and digital games, typically for kids in the 6-10 age range.
Sign-up for Ludoliminal Post
Digital Learning Game for Young Children (Fall - Winter 2023)

Have you playtested with Ludoliminal before?
This is how we'll contact you to alert you of acceptance to the playtest so please make sure this an email address you check frequently. We never share, sell, or distribute any playtester email address.
We may contact you via phone if needed for playtest-related logistics.
Are you located in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area?
What mobile devices do you use at home?
Check all that you use regularly. Access to an iOS device is required to playtest remotely.
How interested are you in games that support your child's math skills?
Has your family tried any games previously because they support math skills?
If none, type 'none'
Please share app name and device if you know it, for example: Endless Reader on apple tablet. If none, type 'None'
Do you currently have any active paid app subscriptions for your mobile account of these types:
Check all categories where you currently have at least one active paid subscription.

Who will playtest?

Please add the first name, age for at least one child in range 3-6 years old. You can add an additional or alternative adult guardian who will participate as well. You can use the "Add Another Person" to add more.
Their age

How did you hear about this playtest?
Can we add your email to our mailing list to hear about more playtests and receive our newsletter?

Join Now!

Sign-up for Ludoliminal Post